Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Remembering God's Faithfulness

God is faithful, in the biggest and smallest things.
Today I am remembering God's faithfulness to me over the past year.
Karsten and I have been living in South Georgia for the past 13 months. When we got here last July, we had only 6 weeks together before he started the Pipeline. I was in a new place--a place I'd never even heard of or seen on the map before I found out I was moving here. I was newly married, new to the military life, and my husband was about to leave me. I didn't know anyone. I didn't have a job.
It was a little scary, but I was able to remind myself that God is faithful, and he would take care of me. One of the ways He did that was by providing me with a job:

On this day one year ago I interviewed for an RN position in the busiest Emergency Department in a 2 hour radius. I basically had no experience--up to this point my life had been full of volunteer jobs and waitressing experience.
They offered me a 3pm-3am shift. I didn't want to work night shift and potentially ruin my chances of meeting people outside of work, of being involved in a church or Bible study. I didn't want to isolate myself even I turned down my only offer. But then, only 2 hours after that phone call, I got another call, and another offer. The 11am-11pm shift. I couldn't believe I not only got another chance, but a perfect shift!
I've been working just shy of a year in the ER. It has been the most challenging and most rewarding job I have ever had. In the past year I got certified as a Trauma Nurse, as well as in pediatric and adult advanced life support.
It was great for me to have something to keep me busy with my husband gone 8 out of the past 12 months, but on the flip side I have seen a lot of tragic things: a 15 year old girl killed in a 4-wheeling accident. A 4 year old boy accidentally shot in the foot by his brother, a 50-something man with severe PTSD after serving in the Gulf War. I helped pregnant teenagers, rape victims, chronic alcoholics, drug abusers, infants with pneumonia, heart attack and stroke was tough. But it is exactly where I wanted to be.
I  am so thankful for God's faithfulness! Not only in providing me with a job that challenges and excites me, but allowing me to have an impact, if even in a small way, on so many people's lives.

My last day of work was on Monday. In a couple of weeks I will move out to Albuquerque, NM with Karsten and start new--at least for 6 months. I hate to leave work, but I am excited to have a fresh opportunity to learn and to serve. I am excited to see what new doors will be opened to me. I know God will be faithful, no matter where He leads me. He has plans for me, and He will carry them to completion as long as I am a willing follower.
That is what I long to be.

1 comment:

  1. Meg!
    I didn't know you blogged. I enjoyed reading abt your EC exps!! And u earned cert trauma nurse Good for u!!!
