Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stream of Consciousness

I stare at my reflection in the glass
tired eyes
and soft curves
my bones ache against the
stone cold floor.
what do the streets feel like?
I want to go home
to the sound of a distant train
the river
and the forest's green
thunderstorms at night
and lightning bugs.
I want to hug my girls
swim in clear salt pools
and watch the evening
shadows dance.
I want to drink wine on
the porch with m dad
and talk about the chickens
and the cats.
I want to hear the voice of
the one I love
and hold his hand in mine.
I want to take my bike
on a ride through the
winding back roads
and feel the sweat drip
down my back and
into my eyes.

I've counted 21 airports
and countless sleepless nights
I've walked into empty bathrooms
and down empty sidewalks
but I am not alone
and tonight
with my eyes open
I dream of you
and wait for dawn.