Thursday, April 29, 2010

Moody here we come

We just got official orders today for Moody Air Force base! I'm so glad to finally have something on paper--and just 3 weeks off from the wedding!
We'll be reporting June 7th, so that gives us an extra week after we're married to pack and get down there.

Moody is in south Georgia, near Valdosta. I'm excited to be going somewhere warm and not terribly far from home.

The military is all new to me, so anyone out there with advice for newcomers, military wives, etc. it is always welcome!

A lot of change is happening at once, but I'm ready for the adventure to begin and am going to take on these challenges with God's strength! (Philippians 4:13)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quality Time

I realize that I am a terrible blogger. Or, perhaps it is because I am getting married in a month, and have been keeping so busy with wedding plans on top of work and spending time with my future husband!

One thing Karsten and I learned in one of our marriage counseling sessions with our Pastor is that our primary love language (same for both of us!) is Quality Time. Which means, whenever we are given the chance to spend time together--we need to take it. It also means that we have to fight for this quality time when it is in short supply. Sometimes all that we are able to do is have a nightly phone call. Most of the time we spend about 30 minutes talking to each other on the phone, but we have to fight to make sure that is actually quality time, and not just talking about wedding plans or logistics--it is easy to spend 30 minutes talking logistics and not getting into deep, intimate, relationship-strengthening conversation.

So, with this new found knowledge of how one of the main ways we express love to each other, Karsten and I have since made it a point to have dates. Our first "date" was a couple weekends ago. We went down to Maymont Park in Richmond and played Frisbee, walked around the gardens, and sat on the edge of a pond and people watched. After that we went to Carytown and shared some Sushi. It was awesome taking this time to do something special with Karsten, and get away from the business of life. I love that we can be happy together doing most anything--whether it is a high-energy activity, sitting in a park watching people, or enjoying a meal together. Karsten is undoubtedly my best friend, and the best friend I've ever had.

This past weekend went out and hiked together on the Appalachian trail. We hiked over 26 miles. It was awesome. I love that we love doing the same types of things! It was probably the most fun I've had with him in a long time. I can't wait for the next adventure we will have together, and a life full of fun trips and memories. I realize that it will take an extra effort on our part, because we will be away from each other so much with his job in the Air Force (especially in the first 2 years) but, I think it will make all the time we do have together all the more special.