Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Saturday morning started off dark and early. Karsten woke me up at 5:45 to try and catch the sunrise. We drove up to the Blue Ridge parkway only to that it was closed due to the lingering mounds of snow. It was also a very cold morning and the sky was overcast, no sunrise to be seen. We walked from the car over to a stone bridge and sat on a blanket to try and catch a good view. We took some pictures to document our time, and then hurried on to the next stop on our winter morning adventure.

Next Karsten took me to the South River in search of some waterfalls. We passed the waterfalls the first time around, but found a nice bench beside the river and sat there while the sun tried to burn through the clouds. Snow covered the ground and the mountains all around. The water was an icy teal blue. It was all so beautiful. I was enjoying spending time in the outdoors with my best friend, not sure whether to expect something more or just be content with how the morning was going...

After finding the waterfall and stopping on the side of the road to take some pictures, we continued on in search of Lake Merriweather. But instead of finding this lake, we came across some caves! This was a big surprise for both of us, but a lot of fun (We're definitely going to have to go back with flashlights and explore them more extensively) 

By this time it was bright and sunny, and it was getting close to lunch time, or at least it felt that way. We were both hungry and tired, and ready to go home to eat and take a nap. But Karsten had one more stop in mind. On the way back to Lexington, he drove through Goshen and stopped by the river. This spot had special significance for both of us because we'd gone on many rides together through Goshen this past spring, and it is one of Karsten's "favorite spots in the world". It was there on the snowy banks of the river that Karsten told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life having adventures with me, and then asked me to marry him. 

I said yes! 

The ring is absolutely amazing. It was worth every bit of time I waited. It is so special. And even more amazing is the fact that Karsten will soon be my husband! He is such a gift from God, I am continually so amazed at God's provision and blessing on our relationship! I couldn't be happier or more excited! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On Love

Valentines day is coming soon, and naturally we begin to think about love...

What is love? 
This question is not easily answered, because there are so many layers to love. Love is a noun. Love is a verb. Love is an adjective. Love can be a simple emotion. A complex feeling. But it is so much more...

The word "love" is used in the Bible hundreds of time. We as Christians know that Love is central to the very nature of God, and because we are created in His image, it is also very central to our own nature. 
But what does it mean, what does it look like in daily life?
Here are some of my thoughts and reflections on love:

Love is: 
a deep caring

Love is characterized by: 
unconditional forgiveness
honoring one another above yourself

C.S. Lewis wrote an excellent book on the nature of love called The Four Loves.
It is one of my all-time favorites. I read it for the first time my freshman year in college, and since then have had a better understanding of the "types" of love from an intellectual standpoint. 

I think in order to truly understand what love is, we have to look at it from more than just an emotional angle. It requires the mind to understand--yet it will remain an wonderful mystery. It requires the heart to know--although the human heart will not ever fully grasp it. And most of all it requires a spiritual awareness, because apart from God there is no love, and without knowing God we cannot know what love truly is. 

One of the most exciting promises that God has for us is this, "If we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us" (1 John 4:12) I think it is simply amazing how these two loves, love for God and love for each other, are very distinct but yet so interconnected. Just think about that for a minute, 
isn't it wonderful? 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Registered Nurse

I took boards on Wednesday and found out yesterday that I passed! Which means, I'm officially and Registered Nurse!

This actually means something now: 

College and Nursing School felt like a long journey at the time. But I'm finished now! I learned an incredible amount--far more than nursing--during the past 4.5 years. Mainly I learned to be flexible (still working on that), to overcome huge challenges, to prioritize time, deal with stress (also still working on that, but I've dome a LONG way), and to value and cherish life in a new way. 

I could write a book about all the experiences I had. Stories from clinicals, from class, from my time working in the ER... but if I tried to post that all here, it would take too long. Right now I'm just happy to say that I am a Nurse! 

Proud of these girls, too! 

Monday, February 1, 2010


Right now I am having a really difficult time surrendering all my worries to the Lord and resting in His peace.
Floods of emotions, worries, and concerns have come over me in the past couple of days and I have been struggling to place them all at the feet of Jesus.
I want to trust God with every detail of my life. Yet, I worry about not having a job, and not having any money to pay for simple things. I forget often the ways God is providing for me: a place to live, food to eat, a car to drive (although no money for gas) and parents who are there for me.
I worry about how all the details of my future with Karsten will work out. Specifically things related to timing, money, job... I forget that God has all of this under His control. And even when I remember this, it is hard for me to be at peace. I think this is simply because of my sinful nature...

I realize that I am the type of person that likes to know the plan, the type of person that likes to be the one in charge of the plan, making things happen. This mindset and personality simply isn't conducive to walking with Christ. It is so hard to be broken in this area, but I want to be. I want to learn to surrender completely all my tendencies to plan, take charge, maintain control. I want to walk daily with my Lord, even if I don't know the next step. All He asks is for us to "Be still and know that I AM" This is so hard for me to do.

The other night I was talking with Mrs. Dixon and she said something that she reminds herself of often is this phrase: For His glory, and for my good. Everything that happens for these reasons. I do find some comfort and being reminded of this. At least when I am asking the question, "why?" I have my answer: For His glory, and for my good. I can trust in that promise.

Please pray for me in this area. Pray for me to daily surrender and trust God. Pray for God to mold me into a woman of confidence, patience and peace.