Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Site has moved!

Follow me over to Wordpress

Simple, clean, new layout.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Under Construction

As much as I love Google, I am currently working on a Wordpress Blog that (hopefully) will be a little cleaner, nicer-looking and more user friendly.
So keep reading here, but look for a link to my "new" blog moving over to Wordpress, soon!
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend, a taste of the Blue Ridge.

So, as you all probably know, the Appalachian Trail begins (or ends, if you rather) at Springer Mountain, in Georgia. This area is known as the "Georgia Blue Ridge". All you Virginians out there, don't be offended, we all know where the REAL Blue Ridge is...
However, seeing an opportunity to check this out over the long holiday weekend, Karsten and I and some friends of ours set out to camp in the Georgia Blue Ridge...
Toccoa River~ Reminded us a lot of Goshen, Virginia

We camped out at the Toccoa River Campground. Enjoyed swimming in the Toccoa River, hiking a trail with waterfalls, and exploring historic downtown Blue Ridge. But our trip was cut a little short by the tropical depression that dumped a ton of rain on us. We stayed dry with a tarp that covered our entire campsite.
The campsite, complete with the hammock, and classic Subaru outback :)

The guys enjoying some pipe smoking, and coffee. 

On the trail with Abigail

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Remembering God's Faithfulness

God is faithful, in the biggest and smallest things.
Today I am remembering God's faithfulness to me over the past year.
Karsten and I have been living in South Georgia for the past 13 months. When we got here last July, we had only 6 weeks together before he started the Pipeline. I was in a new place--a place I'd never even heard of or seen on the map before I found out I was moving here. I was newly married, new to the military life, and my husband was about to leave me. I didn't know anyone. I didn't have a job.
It was a little scary, but I was able to remind myself that God is faithful, and he would take care of me. One of the ways He did that was by providing me with a job:

On this day one year ago I interviewed for an RN position in the busiest Emergency Department in a 2 hour radius. I basically had no experience--up to this point my life had been full of volunteer jobs and waitressing experience.
They offered me a 3pm-3am shift. I didn't want to work night shift and potentially ruin my chances of meeting people outside of work, of being involved in a church or Bible study. I didn't want to isolate myself even I turned down my only offer. But then, only 2 hours after that phone call, I got another call, and another offer. The 11am-11pm shift. I couldn't believe I not only got another chance, but a perfect shift!
I've been working just shy of a year in the ER. It has been the most challenging and most rewarding job I have ever had. In the past year I got certified as a Trauma Nurse, as well as in pediatric and adult advanced life support.
It was great for me to have something to keep me busy with my husband gone 8 out of the past 12 months, but on the flip side I have seen a lot of tragic things: a 15 year old girl killed in a 4-wheeling accident. A 4 year old boy accidentally shot in the foot by his brother, a 50-something man with severe PTSD after serving in the Gulf War. I helped pregnant teenagers, rape victims, chronic alcoholics, drug abusers, infants with pneumonia, heart attack and stroke was tough. But it is exactly where I wanted to be.
I  am so thankful for God's faithfulness! Not only in providing me with a job that challenges and excites me, but allowing me to have an impact, if even in a small way, on so many people's lives.

My last day of work was on Monday. In a couple of weeks I will move out to Albuquerque, NM with Karsten and start new--at least for 6 months. I hate to leave work, but I am excited to have a fresh opportunity to learn and to serve. I am excited to see what new doors will be opened to me. I know God will be faithful, no matter where He leads me. He has plans for me, and He will carry them to completion as long as I am a willing follower.
That is what I long to be.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I love the challenge of working with little,
Like running out of money a week before the next payday, looking in the pantry and digging through the refrigerator trying to come up with something for a meal. I don't see it as a failure , as maybe my husband would. But as a challenge. and then comes the satisfaction of knowing that you can overcome an inconvenience, that you can be innovative, creative, and still happy with little. 
Our culture drills into us that excess somehow equals happiness, contentment. But have you ever been content?
The only time I am ever content is when I am working hard with my hands. Down on my hands and knees scrubbing a tile floor. Kneeding dough with ring-less hands. There is something satisfying in the work of your own hands, in seeing the fruit of your labor.
Proverbs 30 says "give me neither poverty nor riches, only my daily bread." 
I do not desire poverty, I have not taken any sacred vow to give up all worldly possessions, but I do pray this, "only my daily bread" that I may learn to be a good steward of what God has given me. 
That I may learn to live with less. There is something innately beautiful about this. 
It is a bit of a buzz word these days, with the trends of being eco-friendly, "green" and all that. 
but really, simplicity is....liberating. 
it is Good.